Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9th...

Today, historically, is a very important day for me.  I decided to celebrate with my two part-time jobs.  My title at each job is "volunteer".  They don't pay very well.  This morning I had a six-hour shift at the crisis line and everyone I talked to was wonderful.  I know I'm the one who is supposed to make them feel better, but today they were the ones making me feel good.  
Then I went home to make... 


Ready for their filling
Chocolate cupcakes

The filling

More of the filling
Even more of the filling
Scorched marshmallows

This method did not work well. 
Green onions.  Which have nothing to do with this  post, but they were on the table and looked pretty. 

More scorched marshmallows

 Then, while making cupcakes, the greatest thing in the world happened. 

I GOT THE INTERNSHIP/JOB I WANTED!!! It's been all I've thought about for the past month.  And stressed about.  And daydreamed about.  And now it's mine--provided I remember to get drug tested tomorrow.  I'm afraid I'll forget because I have to go straight after school, and then they'll think I quote-unquote forgot and fire me before I am officially hired.  

Then I made a party banner for myself that says "Congrats" and hung it over the hallway.  It makes me happy to look at it.  Then my roomie and I went to Yogurtland to continue celebrating, then I volunteered for three more hours at the crisis nursery, which was also great.  I went an hour early to spend time with two kids who are waiting for a foster family, because I really wanted some one-on-one time with them.  They are such sweet kids.  I want to foster kids some day, and then adopt if they can't go back with their parents.  I would love to do sibling sets and older kids, because they have such a hard time finding homes.  I want to be their home.  
Then I got to talk to a friend who was nervous for an appointment and that made me happy, too, because I haven't talked to her in such a long time, and she's such a great friend.  

I couldn't have asked for a better February 9th.  I am so happy.  Scared, nervous, and excited for my new job ... and happy.  :D  


  1. I love you so much!
    I'm so happy that you got the internship, I knew you would!!
    And those cupcakes look sooo yummy :)
    I miss you more than words can express.
    And yay for yogurt and awesome banners. You're amazing.

  2. YEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. p.s. Those cupcakes looks AMAZING

  3. you are the cutest thing EVER. i love your green onions too :) i hope you're enjoying the internship and every thing else "life". love you so so so much <3
