Friday, March 26, 2010

Cocktails. Oh wait. I mean ...

That's right. It was a mocktail party.

Because we're Mormon and we do that.

So I plead with my mom to send me the cream cheese brownie recipe.

And I made them.

Secret confession: Cream cheese brownies are my kryptonite.
I can't resist them.

Remember when I said that the girl I made the cake pops for wasn't in class the day I brought them and it was the story of my life?

Well the girl we had the mocktail party for was sick on her birthday and wasn't in class.
Story of my life.

But no one complained.


  1. I dont know who would complain after even seeing pictures of those brownies. and usually I really hate brownies

  2. um. next time you make those you should bring me one because they look great. and i love eating your food.

  3. K-don't pack up the kitchen before I get there! I need a sweet fix!!
